Hello, I am Dr. Faith

Hello, I am Dr Faith Ngunjiri, a leadership coach, author, speaker and trainer. My goal is to help you become a better leader. I work with leaders through training programs, one on one coaching, masterclasses, workshops, and seminars.

Learn more about me here.

My leadership academies provide virtual training on topics such as emotional intelligence, assertive communication, harnessing leadership potential, and self-leadership mastery.

Global Leadership Development, LLC is a company committed to the growth of leaders. Our goal is to help you become a better, more authentic, more ethical leader.


Leadership Circle Profile Assessment

Integrating the Field of Leadership with the most comprehensive 360° Leadership Assessment.

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) provides a detailed snapshot in time, enabling leaders to answer the question: “How are my behaviors and mindset enabling or constraining my intended leadership impact and our business performance?”

Take Your Assessment today!

Introducing Global Leadership Development, LLC

Having spent the past 20 years as a leadership educator, scholar, speaker, author and coach, I am excited to curate and facilitate courses outside of the university setting for women desiring to become better leaders.

Reinventing your Purpose

In reinventing your purpose, you would be reevaluating, redefining, and reorienting your life goals, passions, and aspirations, particularly during a transitional phase or a period of dissatisfaction.

Renewing your Spirit

We all need to engage in renewing our spirits by revitalizing and reconnecting with your inner self, belief system, or sense of meaning in life. This journey often involves introspection, self-discovery, and practices.

Growing in Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, self-mastery, social awareness, and relationship management. We improve through reassessing and recalibrating one’s emotional well-being, attitudes, and responses to various life situations. T.

Reimagine Resiliency

To reimagine resiliency involves reevaluating and redefining one’s capacity to adapt, recover, and grow in the face of adversity, challenges, and setbacks. It involves recognizing the transformative potential of difficult experiences.

Reinvigorate your Leadership

Leaders need to be always learning, by revitalizing, re-energizing, and renewing their leadership approach. It is essential for leaders to continuously grow, adapt to new challenges with their teams or organizations.


In order to support you in your journey of growth as a resilient, adaptable, emotionally intelligent, spiritually renewed leader, our leadership academy offers on-demand, virtual, self-guided courses. Sign up, invest in your growth and development.

My Thoughts

Read writings from Dr Faith Wambura Ngunjiri; an educator, professor, leadership coach, mental health advocate, solo mama, of African ascent on workplace, leadership and more.

Why Midlife Leaders Should Embrace Coaching

Unlocking the Next Chapter: Why Midlife Leaders Should Embrace Coaching

June 14, 20243 min read

As leaders, we frequently find ourselves at the head of businesses, guiding teams to success and making critical decisions that impact the future. However, when we approach midlife, a moment of reflection and transition, it is critical to reevaluate our routes and contemplate how we might continue to develop and prosper. This is when coaching's effectiveness shines. Embracing coaching in midlife may be a transforming experience, unleashing new potential and ensuring that the next stage of life is not just successful but also genuinely satisfying.

The Midlife Reflection

Midlife is a distinct period marked by a combination of experience and contemplation. Leaders in this stage have a variety of knowledge and talents, but they may have concerns about their future direction, purpose, and legacy. This season of reflection is not just about reflecting back on previous accomplishments but also about visualizing the future. Coaching offers a controlled and supportive atmosphere for leaders to examine their thoughts, allowing them to find clarity and develop significant objectives for the next chapter of their lives. 

The Benefits of Coaching

1. Personal development and self-awareness

Coaching helps leaders look deeply into their personal and professional lives, resulting in increased self-awareness. This deeper awareness of one's own talents, flaws, values, and motivations can result in more honest and successful leadership. Leaders may achieve their maximum potential by recognizing and correcting any limiting attitudes or practices. 

2. Improved Decision-Making

With years of experience, midlife executives frequently confront challenging decisions that affect both their jobs and their personal lives. A coach serves as a sounding board for leaders, giving neutral insights and assisting them in making more informed decisions. This collaborative process may result in better-informed and smarter decisions, benefiting both the leader and the business. 

3. Work-Life Integration

Leaders frequently face the problem of balancing professional commitments with personal well-being. Coaching may assist leaders in identifying and prioritizing their values, ensuring that they devote time and attention to what is genuinely important. Leaders may improve their overall well-being and performance over time by promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Why Midlife Leaders Should Embrace Coaching

4. Future Planning and Legacy Building.

Midlife is an ideal time to consider the legacy one wants to leave behind. Coaching may help leaders define their long-term goal and create a plan to attain it. Whether mentoring the next generation of leaders, contributing to social problems, or following new hobbies, coaching assists leaders in aligning their activities with their desired legacy. 

The first step

Embracing coaching is a proactive step toward ongoing development and fulfillment. It demands a desire to be honest, vulnerable, and dedicated to personal growth. For midlife leaders, this journey may be extremely rewarding, providing fresh insights and chances that might otherwise go undiscovered.

Testimonial: Alain's Story

I thank God for allowing me to have the three leadership coaching sessions with Dr. Faith, a lady with a wealth of experience. The Leadership Circle is a powerful tool for increasing awareness of one's leadership style and Dr. Faith helped me examine the results. I greatly appreciated being challenged to discover the underlying reasons for the discrepancies between my evaluators' opinions and my own on certain behavioral traits. The exchanges integrated important aspects that structure my vision of life, namely my Christian faith and my training as a civil engineer.

I keep in mind Dr. Faith's recommendation to think big to avoid limiting God's action in my life as well as her encouragement to begin building the legacy I wish to pass on to my community.


As you approach midlife, consider how much value coaching may provide to your personal and professional path. It is an investment in yourself, your future, and the legacy you hope to leave. By accepting coaching, you may unleash new potential, confidently handle transitions, and guarantee that the next chapter of your life is not just successful but also genuinely gratifying.

Take the first step now. Set up your introductory (free) coaching call and begin on a transforming path that will enable you to lead with greater purpose and passion in the years ahead. 

 Why Midlife Leaders Should Embrace Coaching

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Dr. Faith Wambura Ngunjiri

Dr Faith Wambura Ngunjiri – Dr Faith as my students fondly call me – maybe because Ngunjiri is a mouthful for North Americans. I am a woman of deep faith. I live and work in both US and Kenya, and a lot of places in between, a true global citizen.

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