Hello, I am Dr. Faith

Hello, I am Dr Faith Ngunjiri, a leadership coach, author, speaker and trainer. My goal is to help you become a better leader. I work with leaders through training programs, one on one coaching, masterclasses, workshops, and seminars.

Learn more about me here.

My leadership academies provide virtual training on topics such as emotional intelligence, assertive communication, harnessing leadership potential, and self-leadership mastery.

Global Leadership Development, LLC is a company committed to the growth of leaders. Our goal is to help you become a better, more authentic, more ethical leader.


Leadership Circle Profile Assessment

Integrating the Field of Leadership with the most comprehensive 360° Leadership Assessment.

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) provides a detailed snapshot in time, enabling leaders to answer the question: “How are my behaviors and mindset enabling or constraining my intended leadership impact and our business performance?”

Take Your Assessment today!

Introducing Global Leadership Development, LLC

Having spent the past 20 years as a leadership educator, scholar, speaker, author and coach, I am excited to curate and facilitate courses outside of the university setting for women desiring to become better leaders.

Reinventing your Purpose

In reinventing your purpose, you would be reevaluating, redefining, and reorienting your life goals, passions, and aspirations, particularly during a transitional phase or a period of dissatisfaction.

Renewing your Spirit

We all need to engage in renewing our spirits by revitalizing and reconnecting with your inner self, belief system, or sense of meaning in life. This journey often involves introspection, self-discovery, and practices.

Growing in Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, self-mastery, social awareness, and relationship management. We improve through reassessing and recalibrating one’s emotional well-being, attitudes, and responses to various life situations. T.

Reimagine Resiliency

To reimagine resiliency involves reevaluating and redefining one’s capacity to adapt, recover, and grow in the face of adversity, challenges, and setbacks. It involves recognizing the transformative potential of difficult experiences.

Reinvigorate your Leadership

Leaders need to be always learning, by revitalizing, re-energizing, and renewing their leadership approach. It is essential for leaders to continuously grow, adapt to new challenges with their teams or organizations.


In order to support you in your journey of growth as a resilient, adaptable, emotionally intelligent, spiritually renewed leader, our leadership academy offers on-demand, virtual, self-guided courses. Sign up, invest in your growth and development.

My Thoughts

Read writings from Dr Faith Wambura Ngunjiri; an educator, professor, leadership coach, mental health advocate, solo mama, of African ascent on workplace, leadership and more.

Dr Faith

Synchronicities: Embracing Meaningful Coincidences

January 03, 20244 min read


Synchronicities: Embracing Meaningful Coincidences in Leadership


As we stand on the threshold of a new year, full of potential and unknowns, there is a tradition that has gained significant momentum in recent years: the selection of a 'word of the year.' This concept, more than a mere trend, serves as a guiding star, a single, resonant term that encapsulates our aspirations, challenges, and the essence of our journey for the coming year.

Choosing a 'word of the year' is an exercise in focus and intentionality. It allows us to distill our complex goals and myriad resolutions into a simple, powerful mantra. It's like setting the GPS for our personal and professional journeys. The word becomes a lens through which we view our decisions, a reminder of what we deem most important, and a source of strength when we inevitably encounter obstacles.

I will be the first to confess that, just as with new year resolutions, sometimes I pick a word but forget it before January is out. Sometimes it comes back into my memory and I try to reflect on how that word is manifest in my life. Last year, my word was boldness. In the next post, I will reflect on where I practiced boldness, and spaces where I failed.

For 2024, my word is "synchronicity".  It showed up during my meditation and vision board process, as I sought to visualize my year’s aspirations. What exactly is synchronicity?




The Jungian Concept of Synchronicity

The concept of synchronicity was popularized by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Jung described synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle," where events are connected not by cause and effect, but by meaning. In essence, synchronicities are meaningful coincidences – events that are seemingly unrelated yet occur simultaneously and resonate with a deep significance for the individual experiencing them.


Jung's exploration of synchronicity was not just an inquiry into the esoteric or mystical. It was a profound recognition of the interconnectedness of our internal and external worlds. He believed that synchronicities are manifestations of the collective unconscious, revealing connections that our conscious minds fail to see.


In my mind, synchronicity is about recognizing the potential that exists all around me, in events, signs, symbols, even people within my sphere of influence. It’s about recognizing I get to co-create my world in sacred partnership with The Divine. It’s about opening my eyes to the signs evident in the world around me, and responding to the possibilities of serving others with the gifts and resources at my disposal.


Dr Faith

Synchronicity as a Guiding Principle in Leadership

In the dynamic and often unpredictable world of leadership, the concept of synchronicity offers a unique perspective. As leaders, we are often trained to think linearly, to seek cause and effect, to plan and predict. However, the journey of leadership is rarely linear. It is filled with unexpected events, chance encounters, and unforeseen challenges.

Embracing synchronicities in leadership means being open to these unexpected connections and learning to see beyond the obvious. It means recognizing that sometimes, the most impactful moments arise not from meticulous planning, but from being attuned to the subtleties and nuances of our environment.


Leaders guided by the principle of synchronicity are more adaptable, resilient, and creative. They understand that opportunity can come from the most surprising places and that wisdom can be found in the most unexpected experiences. They are leaders who pay attention to their intuition and are sensitive to the undercurrents of their personal and professional landscapes.


As a leadership coach, mentor, trainer, author and speaker, I am inviting you to reflect on the potential that this new year brings. Perhaps last year had challenges that left you feeling drained and less hopeful, perhaps you were disappointed and discouraged. It’s time to rise from those ashes, and remind yourself that with the new year comes new beginnings.  In what ways can synchronicity guide you to seek wisdom in the ordinariness of life? How can you co-create your reality with The Divine and those within your spheres of influence? How can you remain aware and present, mindful in the moments to capture those moments of meaningful coincidences?

 synchronicities illuminate the path with insights, inspiration and innovation for the mindful leader

Synchronicities are the hidden threads that weave the tapestry of our leadership journey connecting disparate moments into a coherent story. Synchronicities illuminate the path with insights, inspiration and innovation for the mindful leader.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

As we embrace the year 2024, I urge you to remain open to the unexpected, to find meaning in coincidence, and to connect with the deeper currents of your experiences. Seek out synchronicities in your leadership journey. Pay attention to the moments that resonate unexpectedly, the encounters that seem more than mere chance, and the insights that come from beyond the realm of logic and planning. In doing so, you will not only navigate the complexities of leadership with greater wisdom and creativity but also connect more deeply with your own intuition and the collective story of those you lead.


Make 2024 the Year of Synchronicity, Brilliant Epiphanies, and Game-Changing Leadership!

With Warmest regards for a purpose-filled 2024, Dr Faith!

synchronicityembracing magicembracing newnessleadership practice
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Dr. Faith Wambura Ngunjiri

Dr Faith Wambura Ngunjiri – Dr Faith as my students fondly call me – maybe because Ngunjiri is a mouthful for North Americans. I am a woman of deep faith. I live and work in both US and Kenya, and a lot of places in between, a true global citizen.

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